Fishing in the Mediterranean: the 5 best fish for freediving

Amberjack, among the best fish to catch in the Mediterranean

Fishing in the Mediterranean: the 5 best fish for freediving

Sea bream, sea bass, red mullet, swordfish and tuna are among the finest fish to catch in the Mediterranean, for size and delicacy of the meat. When it comes to underwater fishing, however, the situation changes. The fish that most often end up in freedivers' game bags are those that live or transit along the coast or on the seabed, between rocks and in shallow water.

Underwater fishing: the 5 fish to catch in the Mediterranean

Some are among the most suspicious and difficult to fish, others are a permanent presence in the bags of underwater fishermen: the best fish to fish in the Mediterranean, from the point of view of those who hunt withcrossbow, they are not necessarily the easiest to catch. On the contrary.

Other aspects must also be considered, first of all the pleasure of bringing freshly caught fine fish to the table: la spearfishing it is an extremely selective discipline, and compared to other types of fishing it pushes us to have a higher consideration of the catch and its fate. There are no by-catches or catches by chance: every capture is a choice, every prey has its purpose.

1. Sarago, a fixed presence in the Mediterranean

Il Sheepshead it is one of the fish that most often ends up in the game bags of underwater fishermen: voracious, distracted, passionate about sea urchins and hunting among the rocks and in the seagrass, it can be settled with different underwater fishing techniques and is considered among the easiest prey to catch freediving.

Although they rarely exceed one kilo in weight, sea bream have a tasty, valuable and digestible meat, which make them one of the most sought-after prey for those fishing in the den and on the lookout.

2. Sea bass: how and when to fish it

La Sea bass, or sea bass, is among the fish most loved by underwater fishermen: the savory and intense flavor of its white meat is the absolute protagonist of many regional cuisines, and does not fail to be appreciated on the tables of starred restaurants.

Expensive and almost always farmed, sea bass is a highly sought-after prey also because it is not always available on fish stalls. From the point of view of spearfisher, the sea bass is a very interesting fish also because it is curious, shrewd and rather difficult to settle. It is mainly fished with the aspect using technique short spearguns, under 90 centimetres.

There is a period of the year, from December to March, in which the sea bass may be more exposed to catches, since the adult specimens are busy reproducing. The winter catches of sea bass caught "in the heat", however, is not a good habit either for the health of the sea or for the future of our tables.

Settling these fish in winter should be avoided, especially in January, the peak of the breeding season: a great player on display in the game bag could mean having 3 million eggs fewer in the pipeline for the following year.

3. The Grouper, the symbolic species of the Mediterranean

La Brown grouper it is certainly among the most sought-after prey for an underwater fisherman. Solitary and very suspicious, the grouper is a very difficult fish to fish, also because it is found at depths of over 15 meters and must be settled by leaving fall towards the bottom, an operation that requires a good amount of training.

Very long-lived, the grouper reaches considerable dimensions and is among the most loved fish on the table. His is an emblematic case in terms of sustainable fishing: when you fish for a 6/7 kilo specimen, you are eliminating a male from the reproductive cycle of the species. The largest and most attractive specimens are almost always males, and their systematic elimination has led the IUCN to include the grouper in the list of endangered species. To date, it is forbidden to catch more than one specimen of grouper (of any species).

In addition to the rules, however, there is the common sense of the fisherman: the minimum size of the grouper is 45 centimetres, there is no need to install a precious adult reproducer to bring a freshly caught delight to the table.

4. The Amberjack, a challenge for every diver

The compact meat, the delicate flavor which to some recalls that of the finest tuna, the Amberjack it is a challenge for every spear fisherman. Fast and powerful, the amberjack lives at significant depths and requires a certain amount of experience before being tackled, especially if you choose to land it on the lookout.

On the other hand, the amberjack does not cause any concern in terms of protecting the species, so it can be fished without too many hesitations for the future of game hunters.

5. The Snapper, the king of Sparids

The list of the best fish to catch in the Mediterranean cannot be missing Snapper. A coveted prey and voracious predator, the snapper has very valuable and expensive meat, known for its delicate flavor and notable nutritional properties.

Aggressive, obstinate and curious, the snapper can be found between 15 and 30 meters deep, generally in rocky areas: it goes without saying that to establish its appearance, at these depths, it is necessary good technique and a certain amount of training.