Underwater fishing: how to choose a speargun

How to choose a speargun: purchasing guide

Underwater fishing: how to choose a speargun

La choice of speargun it always depends, ultimately, on the individual preferences of the fisherman. However, there are criteria that can be very useful in understand which speargun is best for your needs, starting from the type of water you intend to tackle with your fishing rifle.

The first question to ask yourself when you decide to buy a speargun inevitably concerns the type of fishing what you want to do. But there are other factors that should not be underestimated, such as the level of experience and the level of training of the fisherman (not only with regards to freediving).

Choosing a speargun: questions to ask before purchasing

When you are about to choose the speargun that you will fish with in the years to come, it is important to ask yourself the right questions. THE personal tastes in the end they always prevail, but there are parameters that can direct the choice and mark a clear line between a wrong purchase and a speargun that we will use with satisfaction for a lifetime.

The first question to ask concerns the type of fishing for which one wants to use the speargun: the main distinction in fact, the one on which everything else depends, is given by water visibility – which can be more or less cloudy.

We must then consider the level of experience of the fisherman, which determines the fishing areas and needs in terms of maneuverability and power of the speargun, and his general training level, which can have a decisive influence on the ability to handle rifles and tires of a certain weight.

How to choose the speargun based on the type of fishing

La choice of speargun it depends first of all on the type of spearfishing to which we intend to dedicate ourselves. Depth, type of seabed and shooting distances are the first parameters to take into consideration, and essentially depend on how and where we intend to fish.

  • Fish from the surface or in water between 0 and 3 metres: if you fish aiming from above or while crawling along the bottom, they should be preferred spearguns no longer than 90 centimetres. When fishing at shallow depths or near rocks, you must also evaluate the convenience of loading the speargun, which is why it would be better to choose rather thin tires.
  • Look fishing: this technique takes place mainly on the bottom, generally camouflaging itself between rocks and vegetation. In this type of fishing, you stand still and adjust your aim by swinging the speargun, i.e. moving it sideways. This need, together with the possible presence of natural "obstacles", leads to choosing spearguns of rather short length (easier to cock and handle), but quite powerful - from 90 centimeters onwards;
  • Fishing in the den: when you find yourself hunting down prey in front of slabs, sandy bottoms and rocks, what you want to have in your hand is a short, agile and easy to load speargun;
  • Fishing in clear water: The clear waters are suitable for different types of spearfishing, from spearfishing to ambush fishing. In this case what you are looking for are power it's a good balance of the speargun, which helps the diver in the ascent. They prefer each other very long and powerful spearguns, capable of shooting at great distances.

As you can imagine, the parameter that more than any other influences the choice of speargun is the water visibility: turbid waters require short spearguns, while in clear waters there is a need for long and powerful shotguns.

The right speargun: some aspects not to be underestimated

La choosing the right speargun it doesn't just depend on the type of fishing: an expert freediver who is not accustomed to underwater fishing could find very little satisfaction in a 135 centimeter speargun, despite the fact that on paper it is perfect for his fishing needs. fishing in the blue.

First di buy a new speargun, it is worth considering some details that we often tend to underestimate:

  • experience level: the length of the speargun should be directly proportional to the experience of the fisherman. We always start with short spearguns, in any case no longer than 90 centimetres, more manageable and easy to load. Before being able to aim with a long rifle, in fact, it will be necessary to deal for a long time with refraction, with one's hand/eye coordination and with the shooting practice;
  • fishing depth: if you dive to significant depths, it is also a good idea to evaluate some more technical specifications, such as the weight of the speargun, the balance and the power of the elastics, which gradually reduces with increasing depth (due to the effect of pressure);
  • degree of training: among the most underestimated factors are the physical force and the level of training of the fisherman. It is not uncommon to choose large tires for long shots and then realize that you are unable to cock the speargun correctly due to lack of muscular strength.

It is also for details like these that the choice of the right speargun cannot be resolved in a simple mathematical equation. Being able to deal with a seller who is also a master in the art of fishing and an expert in the world of spearguns it is the only real guarantee for a purchase capable of best expressing your idea of ​​spear fishing.