Spearfishing in the kitchen: the tastiest fish (and where to find them)

Spearfishing in amberjack cooking

La spearfishing in the kitchen is a mix of perfumes, of intense flavors and emotions. Anyone who spearfishes knows it well: this sport is capable of giving great satisfaction, especially when you bring fresh, just-caught fish to the table.

What makes this sport special are intelligence, physical preparation andright equipment. Only by combining these elements in the best possible way will it be possible to capture highly coveted prey and discover the thrill of having achieved your goal. If we have already talked a lot about spearfishing techniques, also discovering the equipment, today we know that it is also essential to know how to cook and where to find the tastiest fish. What are the preys most desired by those who practice the Spearfishing?

Spearfishing in the kitchen: the tastiest prey and where to catch them

Among the most sought after preys we find without a shadow of a doubt the bream. A particularly valuable fish that hardly exceeds 5 kg in weight, but is particularly appreciated by scuba divers. It can be sighted among the Posidonia, in bathymetrics from 30 to XNUMX metres, and it can be hunted either in the den or by stalking. It has excellent camouflage skills and is a particularly suspicious fish, for this reason it would be preferable to spot it and then follow it to the den. Perfect for soups or grilled, the seabream has a tasty, valuable and digestible meat.

Next to the Sarago we find the sea bass, a fish that is found in both deep and shallow waters. Usually it can be fished near the mouths of rivers, where it hunts shellfish or mullet, but it is also present very close to the coast, especially in winter when the moment of reproduction begins. There best technique to fish sea bass is that of appearance, exploiting the curiosity of the animal, but also taking into account its innate diffidence. The meat, once cooked, is tasty and has an intense flavour.

Considered a challenge for many spearfishermen and with a highly prized meat, the Snapper it needs excellent physical preparation to be captured. In fact, it requires the deep look technique and is fished at a depth between 15 and 30 metres. The descent must take place in a very silent and non-invasive way so as not to frighten the preys. Once on the bottom, the diver will have to wait, hoping that the fish will approach. Pulpy and delicious, the red snapper can weigh up to 10 kilos and is a prey as much appreciated as it is good in the kitchen.

Next to the red snapper we find the Grouper, a predator that populates rocky environments and requires very demanding fishing, both from a mental and physical point of view. Usually, several apneas will be needed before the fish is within range. Solitary and territorial, the Grouper has a fine and delicate meat to be cooked with care and enjoyed fresh.

Just like the Amberjack, which closes the list of the best fish for spearfishing in the kitchen. Among the prey that all fishermen, sooner or later, would like to catch. It is a pelagic fish, particularly fast and powerful, but also difficult to flush out. It can weigh up to one hundred kilos and even reach two meters in length. It is characterized, in particular, by its delicate flavour, compact and rosy flesh, with a taste which is very similar to that of tuna. All this makes Amberjack perfect to be enjoyed both cooked and raw.