How to obtain a sport fishing license in Italy, region by region

sport fishing license

La sport fishing license in Italy it is essential to be able to practice underwater fishing in complete tranquility and without problems. How do you get this document and what requirements do you need to meet? There are differences between regions, this is because the specific rules are dictated by the territories of competence.

Sport fishing license: what it is, types and how to apply for it

To devote himself to Spearfishing it's not enough to buy a great one crossbow, but it is also essential to have specific documentation that will be shown in the event of an inspection. First, it must be emphasized that they exist two types of fishing license. In fact, we find permits for fishing at sea and those for fishing in inland waters, such as rivers or lakes.

A sea fishing license is easy to obtain. The procedure is fast and free, in fact it is sufficient to connect directly to the website of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, reaching the dedicated section and requesting the licence. The document will then be downloaded and always carried with you when fishing at sea.

For fishing in inland waters instead the question is a bit more complex. In fact, there are more steps to follow depending on the region in which this sport is practiced, and there are also three types of license: type A (professional), type B (amateur), type C (temporary amateur) and type D (special).

La type A licence it is specific for those who practice inland fishing at a professional level and have a business in the sector. For this reason, an aptitude test is required. There type B, C and D licence it is instead ideal for those who practice fishing as an amateur activity. In general, however, the type B license has a duration of 12 months, while the type C license lasts a few weeks. The permit must be requested in the region of residence, but is valid throughout the national territory. Finally, the D license varies according to the place and in some cases only guarantees a day permit.

Fishing licence, differences and penalties region by region

Le procedures to obtain the fishing license vary from region to region. Usually the procedure is similar and varies very little, in any case it is always better to contact the competent office or visit the appropriate web page. And the sanctions? As with the issuance of a fishing licence, the penalties also vary according to the legislation in force in a given territory.