What do you eat before spearfishing? Tips for staying light

What to eat before spearfishing

What is it? eat before spearfishing? To dive in complete tranquility and provide the body with the energy it needs, it is essential to follow a well-defined diet. In fact, spear fishing is a sporting activity rather demanding that requires the right food to be tackled with the necessary sprint.

What to eat before spearfishing: breakfast

Lots of divers before diving in the morning they don't have breakfast. This is because they have the illusion of feeling lighter, but this is a serious mistake. In fact, immersion forces the body to burn many calories to maintain the right temperature during physical effort underwater.

For this reason, it is essential to hire protein foods that allow proper muscle function. What to eat for breakfast? The advice is to consume foods that provide energy and, at the same time, are easy to digest. For example toast, eggs, fruit, cereal or yoghurt. These foods have the great advantage of providing a good caloric contribution and the right amount of protein.

Attention: as always it is important to use the measure and not to exceed. In fact, breakfast must be light and balanced, without excesses. In fact, a large meal would risk causing seasickness, especially in people with a more sensitive stomach. Another essential tip is to drink liquids, especially water and – for those who want – fruit juices.

In the latter case, however, orange juice is not recommended due to its excessive acidity. Energy drinks recommended for sportsmen and women, particularly rich in salts, extra calories and sugars, should also be avoided. Also prohibited alcoholic beverages and coffee which cause diuresis and could cause dehydration of the body. Finally, milk at breakfast should be avoided. In fact, this drink involves rather long digestion processes, even more if it is taken accompanied by solid foods.

What to eat before spearfishing: the snack

A small break between one dive and another is always a good idea to recover the energy lost underwater. The perfect snack is energetic, yet light. Ample space therefore for fruit or cereal bars. However, it is forbidden to go diving again immediately after eating, as there is a risk of feeling nausea or cramps. Better wait two hours before returning to the water!

What to eat before spearfishing: lunch

What should lunch be like before spearfishing? Scuba divers should consume approximately 60% of their carbohydrate intake. Lunch must therefore be rich in potatoes, rice or cereals, accompanied by fruit and vegetables. Sweets or cookies – based on simple carbohydrates – they will be consumed with great care because they have a low nutritional value and many calories. Fats, contrary to what is often thought, should not be eliminated, but included in the diet of the spearfisherman intelligently and as a source of energy, to reduce the sense of hunger.